Student Sponsorships

1200 student sponsorships + tuition + books + uniforms = access to education

We Support Students

Your sponsorship of $150 provides tuition, books, uniforms, and materials for a student in rural Haiti for an entire school year.

Education is their best hope

Haiti’s children need and want a good education to help create a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities. Education is their best hope to escape poverty. Education leads to healthier lives, stronger families, and thriving institutions.

Haiti’s Families Cannot Afford School

But in Haiti school is a luxury too many families cannot afford. The government in Haiti struggles to provide basic services, and publicly funded schools are rare. Ninety percent of schools are private and charge for tuition and fees. In rural Haiti, most families scrape out a living through subsistence farming. They live on less than $2 a day. They cannot pay to send their children to school.

On any given day, 50 percent of school-aged children are not in school. Many children never go to school. Many children start school as late as ten years old and are unable to complete their educations. Haiti’s literacy rate is a shocking 61%.

Haiti’s Children Want to Go To School

You can help change these grim statistics. Haiti’s children desperately want to be in school. In the mountains of La Vallee de Jacmel where we work, children are willing to walk more than an hour over rocky goat paths each way to be in school. We have met children sitting outside of school windows, just to hear what is being said inside the classroom. They want to learn to read and write. They want to be part a generation of strong minds that will rebuild Haiti.

Haiti’s children need you help them create a better future. Haiti’s children need you so they can go to school.

Make a difference for Haiti's children

About Us

Alliance for Haiti's Children partners with rural communities to create networks of quality schools to transform Haiti.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 75 Vienna, VA, 22183

We are a 501(c)(3) certified organization.

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